Saturday, September 19, 2009


Important notice: Dimension is returning to the woods. It happens in NC in September every year, and is one of my favorite times. After enduring the heat of August, and the flat landscape of everything green, dimension begins to appear. How does it happen? Take a look outside, and view it as a canvas: one tree begins to turn, and all of a sudden, everything is no longer flat.

Then as leaves slowly begin to drop, deeper areas of the woods come into view. Even if it’s still mostly green, you can see into the woods, and the shadows give depth to your canvas.

Try it. In this photo from Blowing Rock, the shadows around the tree trunks add the dimension. If you put your fingers over the green and dark tree trunk area at the left, and imagine that section of the photo to be orange, like the rest of the picture, you find that the dimension on that side of the photo goes flat.

You can see it also in marshy areas, where the water plants grow in clumps around each other. What was a solid sheet of green in August begins to have layers of brown and varying shades of fall, which add depth to the view. All of a sudden there is perspective in your picture, which was missing in August. This photo is from Moses Cone Park near Blowing Rock, but there is an even better example of layering of color right here in Cary at Crabtree Park. The section of Aviation Parkway that crosses Crabtree Lake is one of my FAVORITE places to view the changing seasons. Unfortunately, it is not an easy place to take a photo, because of the heavy traffic and lack of road shoulder. But next time you head to the airport, keep your eyes open as you cross the lake, and see what the season is doing.

What does this have to do with Interior Design? It’s an interesting thing to contemplate. In the case of the woods: by REMOVING something, you create dimension. In your spaces, where you may have a solid sheet of “things” too crowded to enjoy, a careful editing can reveal a balance and beauty of form that is nurturing and inspiring. In the cases of Moses Cone Park and Crabtree Lake: proper contrast and color balance add a perspective that makes a space seem bigger.

Dimension is an important quality of Life. It adds spontaneity to our spirit, and joy to our days! It keeps us fresh and ready for the next unfoldment of beauty, whether it be in our children’s artwork, our parents’ wisdom, our own sense of service, or our physical surroundings. All that perfection and beauty comes from the same Place, and is Life’s gift to us!

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